My Workshops

Writing Workshops

With a background in the arts, technology, and education, Joan Koster offers a variety of presentations for book clubs, writing groups and for conferences.

I offer one-day and month-long online workshops. Here are my current listings. I also offer these as personalized one-on-one online courses and as ZOOM presentations.

Contact me below for more information and to schedule.

Click a Workshop Title to Learn More

30 Days of Revision Tips

Creativity for Writers

Drafting Your Way to the End – Faster

Enrich Your Writing with Sensory Language

Graphic Design for Busy Writers

Online Resources Writers Can’t Live Without

Power Up Your Prose

Research for Writers

Story Bible Workshop

Textiles for Writers

Theme, Trope, and Premise

Using the Arts to Develop Plot, Character, and Setting

Visual Journaling for Readers and Writers

Zig Zag Plotting

30 Days of Revision Tips

You’ve done it! Reached the end of your draft. Wouldn’t it be nice if that was all you had to do? But unless you are a wonder writer, your initial draft will not be perfect. So, what comes next? Revision!

In this in workshop, you will receive a revision road map with a tip for revising your draft every day for thirty days. By the end of the month, you should be well on the way to having a more organized and polished draft.

So pull up that sloppy NaNoWri draft or the messy novel you have tucked away and let’s get to work.

Based on my Book Revise Your Draft and Make Your Writing Shine.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Creativity for Writers

Learn how to enter the wonderful state of creative flow and where to find inspiration when the words just won’t come. Based on the work of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Julia Cameron, this workshop delves into the nature of creativity and how to harness it when needed. Be prepared to do short mental, physical, and writing exercises as we mine our creativity.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Drafting Your Way to the End – FASTER!

Write a novel in a month? Learn tricks and techniques for getting the words of your WIP draft down on the page in the quickest, most efficient way possible, so that the story makes sense and requires the least amount of revision. Perfect for people planning on participating in NaNoWri in November or April, or for anyone who needs a toolbox of ways to speed up their writing process. Based on my book Fast Draft Your Manuscript and Get It Done Now.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Enrich Your Writing with Sensory Language

Did you know that there are 7 senses? Or wait is that 8? At any rate, no matter how many there are, a great writer uses ALL of them in EVERY place possible in their writing.

In this course, you will learn about our senses, how they work, and when, where and how to use them in your current WIP to set the scene, deepen emotion, and spark up action. Many resources for describing sensory elements will be provided. Includes a sensory element critique of one chapter of your WIP. Based on my book Power Charge Your Language and Make Your Writing Sing.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Graphic Design for Busy Writers

Learn to make professional-looking ads, marketing graphics, promotional items such as bookmarks, and more using free software available on the web and programs already on your computer with a special emphasis on using Canva and its competitors effectively. In this workshop, you will start to develop the visual elements of your author brand and leave with a easy-to-use collection of templates for quickly putting together advertisements for your books. Note: This course does not address book cover design.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Laugh, Cry, and Throb: Writing Emotion

Laugh, Cry, and Throb: Writing Emotion: Discover new ways to show powerful emotion on the page that reaches into readers’ hearts and guts, using a rich mixture of sensory description, body language, close point-of-view, and visceral reactions.

Research for Writers

Whether you write historical fiction or contemporary novels, you need to be sure your facts are accurate. In this workshop, you will learn how to make sure your information is valid, follows copyright laws, and avoids plagiarism. Along the way, we will discover how to find that needed fact quickly and how to save it. We will go beyond books, and explore photographs, artifacts, maps, and more. Includes a fact check of one chapter of your WIP. Based on my book Research Your Subject and Validate Your Writing.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Online Resources Writers Can’t Live Without

Online Resources Writers Can’t Live Without: Come explore some of the many free or almost free resources and tools available to writers on the web. From online editors to marketing tools, we will cover them all. Leave with a complete catalog of fantastic web resources, organized by topic.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($35) for 2 week course

Power Up Your Prose

Power Up Your Prose: Explore power verbs, sensory language, literary devices, and more while uncovering creative ways to say that same old thing. In this workshop, you will learn how to turn clichés into pizazz, give ordinary names punch, and write full force description that makes your mouth water. You will also learn when to say it plain and simple. Participants will receive a a full chapter critique of their prose at the end of the workshop as well as extensive word lists. Based on my book Power Charge Your Language and Make Your Writing Sing.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Story Bible Workshop

Do you lose track of what you write? Can’t remember what color car the criminal was driving in your romantic suspense? Forgot the name of the tavern the coach stopped at in Book 2 of your Regency trilogy? Can’t remember the skill set of each of the six demons in your paranormal series?

Are you always searching back and forth through your draft or last book for this bit of detail or that? Are you writing a series with shared characters and setting, or a complex novel with multiple characters, subplots, and setting details? Take a trick from screen writers and create a Story Bible as you write.

In this workshop, we will look at a variety of analog and digital frameworks for creating your own Story Bible and then proceed step-by-step through the process of creating the documents needed to keep track of all those pesky story details in your current or planned WIP. By the end of the workshop, you will have the beginning of your own personalized Story Bible.

Offered by Contemporary Romance Writers August 2024 for members only and by Online Romance Writers September 2024 or take it One-on-One ($50)

Textiles for Writers

Why in the world would an author need to know about cloth?

Well, maybe because we write about people who usually, except in certain X-rated or shape-changing scenes, wear clothing.

Knowing about cloth and how it is made, what it is made from and how it has changed over the ages will allow you deepen your descriptions and add to the sensory images you create in your stories.

So swish your skirts, hike up your trousers, roll up your sleeves or shuck it all and take a journey with me into the marvelous world of textiles. Perfect for historical fiction writers who want to know how to not only describe the clothing, but also want to show characters involved in fiber production in any time period more accurately in their works.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Theme, Trope, and Premise

In this workshop, we will explore what these hard-to-define terms mean and how to use them to form the underlying framework for powerful stories and impactful marketing. Learn how to twist tropes, weave in theme, and build a compelling premise that can be used in promoting the finished book.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Using the Arts to Develop Plot, Characters, and Setting

Have fun singing, dancing, and drawing while creating original takes on your plot, characters, and setting. In this hands-on workshop, we will learn about the power of the arts to unleash our creative flow. Based on brain research and many years of teaching and working in the arts, this workshop will leave you uplifted and with a tool box of fun ways to break out of writer’s block. Came be delivered either as a month-long online workshop or two-hour ZOOM presentation.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Visual Journaling for Readers and Writers

Can’t remember the title of the book you loved last month? Wish you could track your reading and discover which genre is really your favorite? Want to write reviews for Goodreads and Amazon? Or just want to journal your thoughts in a relaxing way.

Try visual journaling. It’s easy. It’s simple. It’s a creative way to express yourself, and organize your hectic writing life.

If you love doodling, if you love coloring books, you will love this relaxing workshop!

Email me to arrange a ZOOM videoconference presentation for your book group  or writing group.

Zig Zag Plotting

Zigzag Plotting: Looking for a way to add rising and falling emotion, conflict, and suspense? Whether you are a plotter, pantser, or a planser, you can apply this technique as you preplan, draft ,or later during revision to up the conflict and tension in your story.

Available for groups or take it One-on-One ($50)

Contact me via email if you would like to schedule one or more of these workshops for your writers’ group, or if you are interested in a one-on-one intensive and personalized workshop. Note: All workshops are one-month long unless otherwise specified.

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